Media Auditing and Media Management Resources

Are your Post-Campaign Reports Accurate?

Written by Philippe Dominois | Oct 31, 2023

How confident are you in the accuracy of your post-campaign reports? Are you sure?

When working with media agencies, the accuracy of post-campaign reports is crucial. With substantial investments and brand reputations on the line, trust is the foundation that holds it all together. However, what happens when that foundation is not as solid as it seems? What if the reports you rely on are not as accurate as you believe?

It is therefore essential to ask yourself these important questions: Do you check? How do you check? And how often do you check? These questions are crucial in ensuring the accuracy and transparency of post-campaign reports.

Why I am Writing About This Topic

At Abintus, our journey into transforming our clients become best-in-class advertisers has been both enlightening and alarming. Over the past months, our meticulous Holistic Media Audits have consistently uncovered errors, mistakes, and discrepancies in the post-campaign reports of numerous clients. These deviations aren't just statistical anomalies; they represent significant gaps in reporting that can skew an advertiser's understanding of campaign performance. It raises a pressing question: If such discrepancies are so prevalent, how many go unnoticed?

We have discovered that these discrepancies in post-campaign reports are not isolated incidents. They represent a widespread issue that plagues the industry. In fact, our audits have shown that a significant percentage of post-campaign reports contain inaccuracies to some degree.

These inaccuracies can range from minor errors in data entry to deliberate manipulations of campaign metrics. For example, we have encountered instances where GRPs were inflated, click-through rates were exaggerated, or negotiated discounts were misreported. These discrepancies can have a profound impact on an advertiser's perception of campaign success and can lead to misguided decisions and wasted resources.


Why It Matters to Check

Accurate and reliable post-campaign reports are essential for guiding future strategies and making informed decisions. Just like navigating a ship with faulty navigation charts, relying on inaccurate reports can lead to disastrous outcomes. It's not just about financial losses and strategic missteps; it's about the foundation of trust between agencies and clients.

Post-campaign reports serve as the bedrock of the financial relationship between advertisers and agencies. They provide a clear picture of campaign performance, helping to determine budget allocations and evaluate success. However, any inaccuracy in these reports can have serious consequences. It can lead to overcharging, misrepresentation, and ultimately, a breach of trust. In an industry where credibility is paramount, the stakes couldn't be higher.


The Australian Case Study

Australia's media landscape was rocked by a shocking revelation that sent shockwaves throughout the industry. Mediacom, one of the leading media agencies, was caught red-handed deliberately falsifying campaign reports for several major clients over an extended period.

This was not a mere oversight or an innocent mistake; it was a calculated and systematic effort to manipulate demographic audience targets in order to make the campaigns appear more successful than they actually were. The implications of this deceit were far-reaching and had severe consequences for clients such as Foxtel, IAG, and Yum! Brands. These companies were potentially misled, leading to significant financial and strategic repercussions.

This case serves as a stark reminder that even the most trusted partners can falter and betray the trust placed in them. It is a wake-up call for advertisers to be vigilant and proactive in their relationships with media agencies.


What Should Advertisers Do? 

The fallout from Mediacom's actions highlights the importance of verifying the accuracy of post-campaign reports and conducting thorough audits to ensure transparency and trustworthiness. Advertisers must now be even more cautious and skeptical, questioning the validity of the reports they receive and seeking additional verification when necessary.

Although traditional media audits are valuable, they often only scratch the surface when it comes to evaluating the performance of media planning and buying. While they may thoroughly assess media prices and quality, they can overlook other crucial aspects of the planning and buying process that are equally important.

This is where Holistic Media Auditing truly shines. By delving deep into every aspect of the media campaigns, a Holistic Media Audit offers a panoramic view of campaign performance, leaving no stone unturned.

A significant advantage of conducting a Holistic Media Audit is its comprehensive approach to ensuring accuracy throughout the media planning and buying process. Every step, from the initial media briefing to the final invoicing and reconciliation with the media agency, undergoes thorough scrutiny to ensure adherence to industry best practices.

Additionally, we meticulously assess and validate the accuracy of all media agency documents, providing valuable insights for future strategies and decision-making. This level of meticulousness not only allows us to identify any potential discrepancies but also offers invaluable insights that can shape future campaigns and optimise advertising efforts.

Finally, the Mediacom incident also underscores the need for advertisers to choose media agencies carefully and establish strong contractual agreements that protect their interests. It is crucial to have safeguards in place to prevent and detect any potential manipulation or misrepresentation of campaign data. Advertisers should consider implementing independent audits or working with third-party media auditing firms to ensure the accuracy and reliability of post-campaign reports.



While most agencies operate with integrity and dedication, the Mediacom case underscores the importance of vigilance. It's a stark reminder that even in a world driven by data and metrics, human intentions can sometimes skew the narrative. This incident isn't just a blip on the radar; it's a clarion call for advertisers worldwide. It emphasises the need for a proactive approach, a questioning mindset, and the importance of independent verification.

In conclusion, the advertising landscape is ever-evolving, with new challenges emerging at every turn. However, the core principles remain unchanged: trust, transparency, and truth. As advertisers, it's imperative to remember that while technology and data are powerful tools, they are only as reliable as the hands that wield them. By staying vigilant, seeking external validation, and prioritising holistic media audits, advertisers can navigate this complex terrain with confidence and clarity.

Media Auditing Guide: Click Here

Media Agency Pitch Management Guide: Click Here


Author Expertise and Experience:

Philippe Dominois is co-founder and CEO of Abintus Consulting, and Head Coach at the Abintus Academy. He has over 25 years of international media experience, having worked on the media agency side, client side, and media auditing side throughout his career. Philippe has authored hundreds of articles over the years that focus on media management best practices.